27 January 2009

Nothing New

I have no new pictures to post, but realize its been a while since I've updated. So...we're all doing well. Ellie is starting to try to roll over. I've been second-guessing myself about agreeing so hastily to her first name...but I had a talk with someone who had a similar experience, and she assured me that it would be okay...that she'd grow into her name, and I'd grow more used to it as the time passes. I still wish I could convince more people to call her Elliott instead, but I suppose after nearly 1/3 of a year, they'v gotten used to saying Kari. Maybe I'll eventually adjust to hearing it.
I've got parent-teacher conference this week for Liam. I'm sure I'll be able to post after that about what a wonderful, smart, and big-hearted kid he is...and he really is. He still fawns over Ellie, but not quite as much as in the beginning. I knew the honeymoon wouldn't last forever. I'm impressed it lasted as long as it did.
Josh has been sick twice within the past two weeks, and all I've had this season is a minor (if persistent) cold. That's really backward for us. He's been bad off enough that I've been able to convince him to take something for it twice now. This is completely unheard of in our household. Maybe next I could get him to call his doctor, because this really is very out of character for him and I'm a little concerned.
That's more-or-less all that's going on around here. I'll try to get some new pictures up soon-ish.

13 January 2009

Belated Christmas Post

This is what most of my attempts of taking pictures of Christmas look like.
I do know that Liam got some new pajamas...and lots of other stuff. Tons of games.
Elliott didn't care about presents any at all. This is how she looked at all the different family gatherings during present-opening time.

In the end, it wore everyone out.

I hope you all had safe, happy, and fun holidays. I'll post more updates soon!